Assignment Recovery is starting back up this week. Any student who misses an assignment in a class they are failing will be assigned a date to attend Assignment Recovery. Assignment Recovery runs from 3 to 4 PM every school day besides Wednesdays. Social studies will be on Mondays. Directed electives and elective courses will be on Tuesdays. English and Science will be on Thursdays and Math will be on Fridays. A more detailed list of Assignment Recovery days and teachers can be found at the bottom of this article.
Students will be completing an integrity assignment in Homeroom this week, as well as working in Khan Academy to improve their PSAT scores.
Adrian Gonzalez won the Oiler of the week for last week. Teachers vote for Oilers of the Week by choosing which of their students exemplified each of Whiting High School's five core values (self-discipline, responsibility, self-advocacy, grit, and growth mindset).
The National Honor Society's annual Thanksgiving Food Drive starts Monday November 13th. Homerooms will compete against each other (Freshman vs. Seniors and Sophomores vs. Juniors). The winning classes will receive a Dress Down Day. If we collect a total of 500 or more items, the principals will take a pie to the face.
The date for seniors to purchase caps and gowns has been extended to November 14th. Seniors will need to make their order by that date.
Thanksgiving break will be November 22nd through November 24th. We hope our students will be able to spend this time away from school with their friends and family.
Monday: Social Studies (Belyayev – weeks 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
Tuesday: Other (DeWald – weeks 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
Thursday: English (Lopez and Popiela - weeks 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
Thursday: Science (Morando and Long – weeks 6 and 8)
Friday: Math (Reese – weeks 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)