Say Something

Say Something week is an awareness week founded by the Sandy Hook Promise, which is an organization that aims to empower and educate youth and adults to prevent violence in schools, homes, and communities. This past week Whiting High School decided to honor Say Something week by recognizing students who are upstanders and recognizing staff members who are seen as trusted adults. During homeroom last week students were given the chance to vote on and recognize peers that are upstanders and staff that they recognize as trusted adults.

Reagan Klapak was most recognized as an upstander among his peers. An upstander is someone who speaks up against injustices or supports those who are being harmed/ mistreated. Reagan received recognition from students across all grade levels as someone who is kind, works hard, and helps others any way he can.

Ms. Lopez was most recognized as a trusted adult among Whiting High School students. A trusted adult is someone whose words and actions make students feel safe. Students see Ms. Lopez as a great English teacher but someone who is always kind and works to create a safe environment for all her students.