Congratulations to Robin Yzaguirre, who won Oiler of the Week last week. Teachers vote for Oilers of the Week by choosing which of their students exemplified each of Whiting High School's five core values (Self-Discipline, Responsibility, Self-Advocacy, GRIT, and Growth Mindset). Below is what teachers had to say about Robin.
Grit: Robin remains on top of everything in both her academics and extra-curricular activities. Robin is a member of her class officers. The duties that come with that title are many and yet, she constantly remains on top of her assignments and in class activities.
Growth Mindset: Everything that Robin has been doing lately has been all about growth. She grows in her academics by being a participant in class activities. She grows in her personal life by taking on duties that serve members of her class as opposed to just herself. She doesn't just grow, she leads others to as well.
Self-Advocacy: Robin does not only advocate for herself, but for others as well. As I mentioned, she took on these extra duties to not only grow herself, but to help lead others to grow. She advocates for her peers just as much as she advocates for herself.
Responsibility: Being part of school, class officers, AND the cheer team, Robin has needed to master the ability to remain responsible in each of the responsibilities she decided to take on as a sophomore.
Self-Discipline: Robin does not accept if she leaves the class confused on a topic. She takes it upon herself to ask any clarifying questions and is diligent in her note-taking abilities.