Weekly Update

As it is finals week and the end the first semester, students will be studying during Homeroom on Monday and Tuesday. There is an alternate bell schedule on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday to allow time for students to finish the traditional part of their final exams. This may effect when ACC students should attend WHS. Please see the attachment in the email sent today if your child attends the ACC.

Assignment Recovery continues this week for students who are failing a course and miss an assignment in that course. Monday is for Social Studies with Mr. Belyayev. Tuesday is for English with Mr. Popiela. Thursday is for electives with Ms. DeWald. Friday is for Math with Mr. Simmons.

Spanish Club will be selling snacks and drinks this week for their fundraiser. Please reach out to Mrs. Sabol, Mrs. Bell, or a club member if you would like to contribute.

Wrestling is home against Bishop Noll Wednesday at 6:30 PM. Girls Basketball is home against Griffith Friday. JV starts at 5:30 and Varsity starts at 7.

Congratulations to Juliana Rodriguez, who was our Oiler of the Week last week. Teachers nominate students for Oiler of the Week by choosing those who exemplify our five core values (self-advocacy, responsibility, self-discipline, grit. and growth mindset).

Thank you for your continued support of our school and community.

Have a great Oiler Week!