Nathan Hale, WMS, and WHS are doing a dress down day for Whiting's YMCA on Friday, 3/26. Students can pay $1 to their 1st hour teacher and can dress down for the day. Students must follow dress down expectations in our handbook.
almost 4 years ago, Jon Chance
As a reminder, 3/10 is an eLearning day for all SCW students. Classwork and attendance questions are posted by 8 am and attendance questions need to be done by 3 pm. Teachers are available for help from 9-10 and 12:30-1:30 via Google Meet. Students should check Google Classroom.
almost 4 years ago, Jon Chance
Tomorrow all SCW students are encouraged to show their pride for SCW by wearing green and white. Students are permitted to wear jeans. Bring your school spirit to school whether you are here or working in Meet. Students must follow dress code requirements for dress down days.
almost 4 years ago, Jon Chance
STRACK & VANTIL RECEIPTS COLLECTION Whiting PTO will be at the football parking lot Thurs, 3/4 from 7:15 am -8:30 am and 2:15 pm – 3:30 pm and Sat, 3/6 from 10:00 am -12:00 pm. All receipts dated from 9/1/20 through 3/1/21 from any Strack & Vantil location will be collected.
almost 4 years ago, Jon Chance
All 11th grade testers have had their testing dates updated. All 11th graders were emailed at 9:15 am. The email includes their testing dates and the time and room they will test. Email also includes where students will pick up their Chromebook.
almost 4 years ago, Jon Chance
WHS students need to follow the bell schedule for the day. Today’s ISTEP testing has been canceled. Have a great day and stay safe.
almost 4 years ago, Jon Chance
With the eLearning decision for all SCW, ISTEP ELA testing for 11th graders will push back a day. Students will receive an email tomorrow with their new test dates. Stay safe.
almost 4 years ago, Jon Chance
Due to inclement weather conditions, the Hammond Area Career Center will not be meeting in person on Tuesday, 2/16/2021. The ACC will be communicating with families. Students should log in to their digital classroom for their expectations during their scheduled class time.
almost 4 years ago, Jon Chance
As a reminder, ACC will eLearn today for the ACC. They need to report to Whiting HS for their normal WHS classes.
almost 4 years ago, Jon Chance
This is a notification for 11th graders testing today only. 11th graders currently testing in Group A will complete their testing around 10:38. Students will be ready to be picked up around 10:40 am. 11th graders in Group B testing this afternoon need to arrive at 11:30.
almost 4 years ago, Jon Chance
All students: This is a reminder that all students will be eLearning tomorrow, Feb 9. HS students will log in to their Classroom pages, answer their attendance questions, and complete their coursework. HS teachers will be available from 9am-10 am and 12:30pm-1:30pm via a Google Meet code. 11th Grade Students: ISTEP test group A and B will test at the building tomorrow during the same time frame that they did today. This is only for students that have been identified as Group A and B and their proctor is marked as MS Gym. Anyone in Group C or D or testing with Ehrlich, Markovich, Kalk, Padilla, or Mendoza will resume testing on Wednesday, 2/10. 11th grade students should check their email if they do not know the date and time they are scheduled to test.
almost 4 years ago, Jon Chance
All 11th grade students coming for ISTEP testing need to follow the dress code for SCW. This includes eLearning students. Get a good night of sleep and don’t forget to eat breakfast.
about 4 years ago, Jon Chance
Due to the current weather conditions, all SCW after school activities, games, and practices have been canceled. Stay safe.
about 4 years ago, Jon Chance
Juniors should check their SCW Google email account. An email has been sent containing information for the upcoming ISTEP math test. The email contains when and where students will test. eLearners should pay attention to when they test and when they should report to school.
about 4 years ago, Jon Chance
WHS students are to follow the normal bell schedule during today's eLearning day. Students are required to log in to Google Classroom as well as their Meet. Students that do not do this will be counted absent.
about 4 years ago, Jon Chance
WHS students will follow their normal bell schedule for today's district wide eLearning day. Students must follow our eLearning procedures that we have used this entire school year. Everyone have a great day and stay safe.
about 4 years ago, Jon Chance
This announcement is for all learners returning on Wednesday, January 6th. Policies and procedures for in-person learners have been added to your student's class cohort in Google Classroom. All policies and procedures remain the same as 1st semester. See you all tomorrow.
about 4 years ago, Jon Chance
This is a message from Whiting High School: Check out the Students of the Month for November. Great work everyone! Este es un mensaje de Whiting High School: Echa un vistazo a los estudiantes del mes de noviembre. ¡Buen trabajo a todos!
about 4 years ago, Jon Chance
This is a message for WHS ACC Students: Tomorrow, 12/4/2020, ALL ACC students will work from home. Students should log in to their online classes and complete their coursework.
about 4 years ago, Jon Chance
All WHS students should be logging in to their classes during their normally scheduled time. Have a great day.
about 4 years ago, Jon Chance